Dating and strata layers
Dating > Dating and strata layers
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Dating > Dating and strata layers
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In Italy, again in the Tuscan Hills in the vicinity of Florence, , regarded by many as the father of Italian geology, proposed a four-component rock succession. The concept of geologic time or deep time was a logical consequence of this theory. On a larger scale, even between continents, fossil evidence can help in correlating rock layers.
This law was independently discovered by William Smith 1769-1839 , a British engineer, while working on excavations for canals in England Winchester, 2002 p. Some strata are dated absolutely via radiometric dating. Having come that far, they were initially quite reluctant to accept a further expansion of the geologic timescale by a factor of 10 or more. Dudley actually changed the decay rates of 14 different radioisotopes by means of pressure, temperature, electric and magnetic fields, and stress in molecular layers.
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